Found: Two art Poems-Won Edgar A. Poe award for Sky Cathedral-
Additions to my poems about artists and art.
Additions to my poems about artists and art.
In July, I was asked to give a lecture for Senior EdVentures at UMASS, my alma mater. It was good going back there as a teacher, and the group was so responsive. My lecture had to do with 3 artists that used Word and Image, drawn from several lectures given for the International Society of…
After spending the spring and summer working on mixed media florals that are 18 x24″ or 16×20″ I decided to do some larger canvases. They are of an abstract nature and require the viewer’s response and interpretation.
“Fortune is a woman…”Machiavelli Michelangelo painted beautiful hands. If he was a guest at my dinner table he might quickly study hands, hands lifting wine glasses hands serving bouillabaisse in steaming pots hands arrnging yellow tulips, blue iris in a glass pitcher. If Leonardo ws a guest at my dinner table He’d bring his leather…
He is our family historian, he moves around the world with ease, discovering family secrets, uncovering lost traces. “I found the ship’s manifest online,” he said. “Shows the date and time Grandma Benzli arrived from Europe, with her Uncle John and sister, Betty.” Seeing the document I felt I had touched history, a fantasy made…